Veganism is too expensive?!

Hey Reader!

We have all heard the criticism that the vegan diet is too expensive...

I spoke with Dr Sam Moxon on episode 2 of Two Vegan Scientists to settle the debate once and for all.

As with all diets, there are plenty of ways to shop, eat out and cook that can impact your spending on food.

Here are some simple tips for following a vegan diet or attempting your first Veganuary on a budget while avoiding breaking the bank.

Talk soon Reader,

Sam šŸ’š



Go Plant-Based - Vegan Nutrition

šŸŒ± Feel Great with Vegan Nutrition šŸ’Ŗ CMA Certified Nutritionist šŸ’š Empowering you to improve, with food

Read more from Go Plant-Based - Vegan Nutrition
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